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Fresh from the Oven Delicious Styles 3250311ikZCG天下
Photoshop PSD, PAT, ABR, ASL | 90 MbikZCG天下

Fresh from the oven and ready to use on all your food art and food typography projects! What started out as playing around with a gingerbread cookie style grew and grew until it became a completely versatile creative kit, perfect for so many types of designs! It's not just for food and baking designs -- use it anytime you want to turn a font, stock image or your illustration into a fresh baked work of art! The product contains...ikZCG天下
48 Photoshop layer stylesikZCG天下
55 interlocking and decorative Photoshop BrushesikZCG天下
1 PAT file to use for multi-colored sprinklesikZCG天下
PSD file with ready-made shapes, perfect for holiday cookie artworkikZCG天下
PSD file containing every style. This serves both as a visual guide and allows you to copy and paste layer styles, as well as load all your styles INSTANTLY into your Adobe CC Library, and they will be correctly labelledikZCG天下
Link to tutorial playlist with a Quick Start Guide and tips and tricks videosikZCG天下
Tutorial Playlist ☞ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX_51rKs3Ip6QhBfZymJDJiQB4uVJJinmikZCG天下
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